About Gabriel Tobon

Director of Analysis Software at inviCRO

Selected Publications

See the list below for recent work done by our brilliant collaborators using VivoQuant for analysis.

As always, please remember to cite VivoQuant if you have used it in your research by mentioning VivoQuant (inviCRO, Boston MA). Thank you.

Park TY, Nishida KS, Wilson CM, Jaiswal S, Scott J, Hoy AR, Selwyn RG, Dardzinski BJ, Choi KH. Effects of isoflurane anesthesia and intravenous morphine self-administration on regional glucose metabolism ([18F] FDG-PET) of male Sprague-Dawley rats. European Journal of Neuroscience. 2017; 45(7): 922-931.

Jaiswal S, Hockenbury N, Meyer C, Hoy A, Dardzinski B, Byrnes K. Evaluation of Intranasal Insulin Administration on Regional Metabolic Changes in Rat Brain with Cognitive testing during Uptake using [18F] FDG PET following moderate CCI. Journal of Nuclear Medicine. 2017; 58(1): 655.

Jaiswal S, Cramer N, Scott J, Meyer C, Xu X, Whiting K, Hoy A, Galdzicki Z, Dardzinski B. [18F] FDG PET to study the effect of simulated high altitude on regional brain activity in mice. Journal of Nuclear Medicine. 2017; 58(1): 1246.

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Otsu Thresholding Segmentation with the 3D ROI Tool

Otsu Thresholding Segmentation with the 3D ROI Tool

Since its introduction in 2010, the 3D region-of-interest (ROI) operator has aided our users in quantification and volume estimation from their image data.  The prerequisite of any quantification or volume estimation task is an accurate segmentation for the volume of interest.  The 3D ROI tool’s combination of manual, semi-automated, and fully-automated segmentation routines provides a highly complete toolbox with an emphasis on accuracy and efficiency for the user.

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