Add iPACS Repository to VivoQuant

Adding an iPACS repository to VivoQuant

VivoQuant has 3 types of repositories: Local Folder, DICOM server, and iPACS.

Each are added in the same dialogue, which can be reached from the data browser either by using the menu File > Data Browser, or by clicking the Data Browser button.

In the resulting window, click the + button:

From here, enter a display name for the repository and choose your repository type:

Fill in the appropriate information for your desired repository type.

For iPACS, if you use https in your iPACS address, or see a locked icon in your address bar similar to

then you will choose https from the dropdown, enter the main address, and keep the port as 443. If https is not enabled (which is unlikely) then choose http from the dropdown and the port number will automatically update to 80.

A completed form may appear as below: