VivoQuant System Requirements
Operating System
VQ 3.5-2021: 64-bit Windows, 10.9 Mac, or Linux Redhat/CentOS 6/7
VQ 2022: 64-bit Windows, 10.9 Mac, or Ubuntu
8-12 GB RAM minimum highly recommend at least 16 GB
VQ 3.5-2021: 64-bit Windows, 10.9 Mac, or Linux Redhat/CentOS 6/7
VQ 2022: 64-bit Windows, 10.9 Mac, or Ubuntu
8-12 GB RAM minimum highly recommend at least 16 GB
The MIP viewer may become disabled for a number of reasons.
On both Windows and Mac, review the following:
In Tools → Configuration → Data, is the ‘Disable MIP Viewer’ box checked? If so – uncheck it.